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P/S Sensitive Expert


P/S Sensitive Expert - Savour the ice

Pain is a feeling, and feeling is intangible. But this time, we are putting sensitivity pain in shapes and sounds. And though the looks of sensitivity might look very tempting, the sounds (and feeling) are absolutely not pleasant at all.

Combining the visuals of extreme cold food and the iconic sounds people make when they have to suffer the pain of sensitivity, we will create eye-captivating and sense-provoking experience for our audience.

Do you dare to try it?

Agency : Mullenlowe Vietnam
Creative Director: Lidya Cortberg
Art Director: Thuy Vu
Agency Executive Producer : Jordi Sole
Agency Producer: Thu Nguyen
Director/Dop : John Alfirevich
Production House: Fatman
EP: Lili Pham
Producer : Vuong Thach Vu
Post production : Pixelsgarden Post

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