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Lifebuoy Tet 2019

Tet is the time for friends and family members to reunite and share good things together. But all of our actions in Tet make us more easily to pick up unwanted germs that cause sickness and ruin our Tet.

When we’re excited or anticipating about something nice, we tend to rub our hands together. This is a simple knee-jerk reaction, yet has the potential to become a nice and simple reminder to use Lifebuoy.

Whenever someone is rubbing their hands together, anticipating something nice in Tet, foam will appear on their hands as a simple reminder to wash their hands with Lifebuoy.

Lifebuoy will kill germs and make sure you have a healthy and happy Tet in your own hands.

This small simple act will ensure a big Tet.


Client: Unilever

Agency: MullenLowe

Creative Director: Justin Khuong

Art Director: Thuy Vu

Account Manager: Linh Khong, Phuong Dang

Designer: Hoang Nguyen

Producer: Ha Bui

Production House: VAIB

Executive Producer: Duy Ho

Director: Thuy Vu, Zoltan Halmagyi

Director of Photography: Zoltan Halmagyi

Photographer: Wingchan

Post: VAIB

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